Development at Work: Emerging Practices in Integrated Rural Development in Cambodia [Kindle Edition]

Development at Work: Emerging Practices in Integrated Rural Development in Cambodia, Dr. Morten Schmidt [Kindle Edition]
Author: Dr. Morten Schmidt
Publisher: CDP Publishing
Publishing Date: 3rd Edition, 2014
File Size: 1753 KB
Print Length: 543 pages
Language: English
Format: Kindle Edition
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled

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Book Description

Development at Work represents original research into how organizing and managing practices in a development program emerged during the last years of the civil war in Cambodia. The author visited the international development organisation's Cambodia program first in 1995 and returned again in 1997 and 1998, and based on an original and unorthodox application of both ethnographic and sociological methodologies, he provides a compelling account of how people organize themselves to deliver development results. The research was done between Princeton University and the world's top 3 Business School, Copenhagen Business School. It was granted the doctoral degree at the latter and endorsed by professors Erik Maaloe, Hans Gullestrup and Flemming Agersnap. The sociology being developed throughout the narrative draws upon a series of prominent anthropologists, sociologists and management theorists, including Pierre Bourdieu, Clifford Geertz, and Peter Berger, but while standing on the shoulders of these giants, it emerges in its own right and establishes itself as an original contribution to our way of understanding organizing and managing practices in international development cooperation. The author has subsequently established himself as a manager and leading voice of good and strategic management practices and business development in the international development community, and the sociological understanding developed in Development at Work has served as the basis for strategies of several international NGOs.

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