Alive in the Killing Fields: Surviving the Khmer Rouge Genocide [Hardcover]

Alive in the Killing Fields: Surviving the Khmer Rouge Genocide - Nawuth Keat, Martha Kendall [Hardcover]
Author: Nawuth Keat, Martha Kendall
Publisher: National Geographic Children's Books
Publishing Date: 1st Edition, 2009
Hardcover: 112 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 142630515X
ISBN-13: 978-1426305153
Format: Hardcover, Kindle Edition, Paperback
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.6 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces

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Book Description

Alive in the Killing Fields is the real-life memoir of Nawuth Keat, a man who survived the horrors of war-torn Cambodia. He has now broken a longtime silence in the hope that telling the truth about what happened to his people and his country will spare future generations from similar tragedy.

In this captivating memoir, a young Nawuth defies the odds and survives the invasion of his homeland by the Khmer Rouge. Under the brutal reign of the dictator Pol Pot, he loses his parents, young sister, and other members of his family. After his hometown of Salatrave was overrun, Nawuth and his remaining relatives are eventually captured and enslaved by Khmer Rouge fighters. They endure physical abuse, hunger, and inhumane living conditions. But through it all, their sense of family holds them together, giving them the strength to persevere through a time when any assertion of identity is punishable by death.

Nawuth’s story of survival and escape from the Killing Fields of Cambodia is also a message of hope; an inspiration to children whose worlds have been darkened by hardship and separation from loved ones. This story provides a timeless lesson in the value of human dignity and freedom for readers of all ages.

More about the Author

Books - Biography (Nawuth Keat, Martha Kendall)

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