Lulu in the Sky: A Daughter of Cambodia Finds Love, Healing, and Double Happiness [Paperback]

Lulu in the Sky: A Daughter of Cambodia Finds Love, Healing, and Double Happiness - Loung Ung, Ung Loung [Paperback]
Author: Loung Ung
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Publishing Date: Original Edition, 2012
Paperback: 368 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062091913
ISBN-13: 978-0062091918
Format: Paperback, Kindle Edition
Series: P.S.
Product Dimensions: 1 x 5.8 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces

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Book Description

Concluding the trilogy that started with her bestselling memoir, First They Killed My Father, Loung Ung illuminates her struggle to reconcile with her past while moving forward toward happiness.

When readers first met Loung Ung in her critically acclaimed memoir First They Killed My Father, she was a young, innocent child in Cambodia. But forced by the Khmer Rouge into the life of a child soldier, she soon found herself locked in a desperate struggle for survival in Cambodia's notorious killing fields. In Lucky Child, her life took a turn. As a refugee in Vermont, she grappled with post-traumatic stress, cultural assimilation roadblocks, and the abandonment of her sister in Cambodia.

Now, Lulu in the Sky tells the next chapter in Ung's life, revealing her daily struggle to keep darkness and depression at bay while she attends college and falls in love with Mark Priemer, a Midwestern archetype of American optimism. Lulu in the Sky is the story of Ung's tentative steps into love, activism, and marriage—a journey that takes her to a Cambodian village to reconnect with her mother's spirit, to a vocation focused on healing the landscape of her birth, and to the patience and unconditional support of a very special man.

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