Cambodia: Jack's Trip to Cambodia [Kindle Edition]

Cambodia: Jack's Trip to Cambodia - Jack Taylor, Branko BanjO Cejovic, Olivera Cejovic [Kindle Edition]
Author: Jack Taylor, Branko BanjO Cejovic (Editor), Olivera Cejovic (Illustrator)
Publisher: BritishDotCom LTD
Publishing Date: 1st Edition, 2014
File Size: 21,310 KB
Print Length: 34 pages
Language: English
Formt: Kindle Edition
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled

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Book Description

Cambodia, a country of immense natural beauty, stunning historical heritage, yet scarred by the most brutal and insane suffering imposed upon it by one of its own people in the recent past.

The people of Cambodia are as friendly and warm as the sunshine that so readily shines on the million rice paddies but can also make the capital Phnom Penh a veritable dustbowl outside of the rainy season. Take your time to explore this gem of a country, enjoy the myriad of markets, the food stalls and restaurants. Make sure to check the weather patterns before planning a visit there though - in the rainy season you'll need more than sturdy boots to cope with the copious quantity of water that regularly falls from the sky.

It's possible to stay in the most modern accommodation and miss the feel of the place, in which case you've not been to the Cambodia that I have had the fortune to visit.

More about the Author

Books - Biography (Jack Taylor, Branko BanjO Cejovic, Olivera Cejovic)

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